All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Voiceover Career

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In this online course you will learn

  • My formula for becoming one of'sĀ highest earners and Top 10% on V123.
  • Finding the VO sweet spot that will make you money.
  • Learn the reads that brands are looking for TODAY.
  • Video Coaching from Industry Leader Andrea Collins
  • How to get set up and ready in a simple, affordable, low stress (I promise) kind of way.
  • Tips and tricks so you can start making money - fast.
  • Online profile guide that will take your business to the next level.
  • Voice Confidence Builder
  • Industry Insider Sessions - Conversations with Top VO experts who will tell you exactly what you should do to succeed.
  • Receive $100 of a Premium membershipĀ where you can start auditioning right away.
  • Get up to $200 off a Voice123 membership where you'll have access to daily auditions and top clients.
  • Bonus:Ā FROM AUDITIONS TO JOBS - Blueprint - free!

A $5000 VALUE FOR ONLY $497

Time to make your side hustle dreams a reality

Learn exactly how to get into the lucrative voiceover business in a fast, straight-forward, no bull kind of way.

I'm Ready

I created this course because I was tired of saying I wanted to make a career in VO, but not taking the steps to actually doing it.

From a coaching perspective, I was tired of seeing people being taken advantage of with expensive coaching packages

I was tired of hearing these same coaches talking about ways to succeed that are dated. (It's not the 80s anymore!)

I was tired of seeing people like you waste their money on ridiculously priced demo creation services, when they weren't even ready for it,  so they could mayyyybe land an agent. (Not even necessary in 2020!)

The reason I want to share my story with you, is because I was you. And now I work with huge brands like Google Home, Dove, iHeartRadio, Comcast, Burt's Bees, HBO and more.

I want you to take your VO career into your own hands and starting making money in the NEW voiceover world like I did.

I know you can do this. And this is the first real step to making that happen.

You Have What It Takes

Has voiceover always been a dream of yours? Or maybe you are currently looking for a career change, some extra income, etc. The sooner you get the training the sooner you can start earning. So what are you waiting for?

Let's Do This